Palas des Beaux Arts, located not far from the city centre of Lille, is touted as the number two art collection outside of Paris. Hmmm, really? True, it does have work by artists such as Goya, Rubens, Picasso, Toulouse-Laurtec, Renoir, etc., but the paupacity of what it has to offer is evidenced by its near emptiness.
The gigantic and eye-catching sculpture at the entrance. After that, the rest of the place came as a disappointment. And voila, almost all the employees were busy chatting among themselves; the visitors were just a disruption to their endless chit chat with each other. Some female attendants were so animated in their exchanges that they might as well have a soiree on their own. However, there were few rules, and visitors could get as close to the paintings and sculptures as they like, which was a bonus.
The first floor art gallery - the walls look spartan, and so does the rest of the gallery. There were probably more life on Mars than there was at the art gallery. The stillness brought a sense of void, of isolation, and of loneliness. Not even the ox blood walls could save the day.
Hermaphrodite - Freak
Unmistakably Rodin