Friday 10 February 2012

Zurich Series - Minus 19C

Despite the snow and the bitter cold, Switzerland continues to function, in the usual efficient way.  The roads are clear, the trains run on time, to the minute.  Unlike UK, where a few inches of snow can cause massive disruption.  Cue: Heathrow cancelling flights before the snow falls, and when snow does fall, planes sit hours on end at the departing airport waiting for LHR congestion to clear. 

Back to Zurich.  At the first fall of snow, fountains everywhere spotted frozen water, some of them forming curious shapes.  Here, a lion seems to be gushing a frozen waterfall from its mouth.  And in the next, there is the outline of a seal coming up for air.  

Lake Zurich however, remained clear of ice and snow.  The water looked clean - not a hint of algae or rubbish.  The lake's water is purified and fed into Zurich's water system, which becomes potable. The boats that ply the lake were out of service on the day, which is a pity.

In the distant, the snow capped hills looked dreamy and romantic.  On the ground, the bitter wind cut into the face like sharp knives.  Even with gloves on, the hands felt like submerged in icy cold water.  From the Lake, the unmistakable twin spires of Grossmuster rose in their majesty.  Zurich was picture postcard pretty.