Sunday 2 June 2013

Zagreb Series - Random memories

Zagreb is a beautiful city. Towards the evening, when foot traffic is light, and locals come out to sit at pavement cafes smoking and chatting, the city reveals her quiet and gentle charm. 
The spacious Ban Jelačić Square, encircled by palaces and cafes
Some of the grand buildings at Ban Jelačić Square, Zagreb
Young boys playing football at Ban Jelačić Square, Zagreb
Unthinkable in the UK, where children do not normally roam free
Traffic policeman having a chat next to the National Theatre, Zagreb
From the air, Zagreb looks equally impressive. It is impossible to take photos from any British Airways flight - health and safety concerns. But it was possible to sneak in a few photos on board a Lufthansa flight bound for Munich.
Lake Jarun, Zagreb, from the airport
On board a Lufthansa flight
The windows of the boutique "Maria" are always beautifully dressed, with stylish pieces inviting onlookers to step inside the shop. Understated elegance at its best.
Zagreb is not Zagreb
with the iconic posh dress shop "Maria"