Friday, 6 April 2012

Bratislava - Easter is here

More Easter eggs in floral decorations in the hotel.  Yesterday, when everybody in the office broke off for Easter, there were a lot of kisses and hugs and "veselé velikonoce". Over lunch, I learned that "oblievacka", or water pouring is a typical Easter Monday custom in Slovakia.  On this day men visit their female relatives and friends and pour water on them.  According to tradition, pouring water on women will guarantee their beauty and good health throughout the year. In many regions, water buckets have been replaced with perfumes, a small syringe filled with water, a water cup, or a water pistol.  After oblievacka, women reward men with sweets, fruit, money or painted Easter eggs.  All my colleagues were curious about how the British celebrate Easter.  I am ashamed to say that I could only say: chocolate Easter eggs, hot cross buns, treasure hunt, simnel cake, and the Queen distributing Maundy Thursday money to "deserving senior citizens" - one man and one woman for each year of the sovereign's age.

Just outside the office, the cherry blossom is in full bloom. This is a beautiful sight.  I have not seen the pink variety yet.  On the way to work, I also see the golden forsythia in full bloom, along the dual carriageway.  

Oh, these spring days!
Heated spring air
Above wintry grass