Sunday 15 July 2012

Vienna Series - Tiergarten

It's perhaps my last weekend in this part of Central Europe. So we went to the Zoo, which, according to the billboards at Vienna Airport Airport, is the best European Zoo 2012. Finding the place proved to be difficult, as we were seeking a signpost that declares ZOO, but instead, we found out much too late in the process that the branding is a yellow eye on a green background where the words Tiergarten are too small to be noticed. There was a small car park outside the zoo, so drivers had to circle around in the area to find a parking spot. One would be in peril if one cannot read the parking signs that are in German. We bought a vignette for driving in Austria.

It is a spacious zoo, but there seems to be more space for the human visitors than the caged animals. The Kasse was manned by some extremely bored assistants. Service in cafes and restaurants was almost non existent. It was raining. But my travel companion saved the day with her eternal optimism.

A tram for the little ones
Beauty parade
Do I care?
Yum yum
Eat shoots and leaves
What next?