Friday 13 June 2014

Hamburg Series - Kunsthalle

This is an interesting art museum complex. Entrance is at the new wing - the Galerie de Gegenwart - where modern art is displayed. To reach the old masters and the 19th century paintings, one has to use an underground tunnel from the new wing, and this underground tunnel is not clearly signposted - quite unusual for the Germans.

The Schirrmacher/Hude red brick building that houses the old masters
Impressive landing leading to the grand hall 
where 19th C paintings are displayed
A grand exhibition room inside Kunsthalle Hamburger
There are so many treasures in this museum. Here are my favourites.

Repairing the nets by Max Liebermann
The harsh life of the womenfolk who repaired the fishing nets came through vividly in this painting: the inhospitable weather, the toil, and the look of yearning for a better life perhaps of the girl in the foreground.

The Arctic Sea by Caspar David Friedrich

Drifting clouds by Caspar David Friedrich
Iphigenia by Anselm Feuerbach
An unmistakable Rodin

Caspar David Friedrich's Wanderer Overlooking the Sea of Fog
Meister Bertram's altar masterpiece
It is quite easy to spend a whole day at Kunsthalle, with so many treasures to admire and explore. However, the entire museum is lacking in chairs so it was a struggle to be on one's feet anymore than 5 to 6 hours at a stretch.
The Cube, a very pleasant restaurant at Kunsthalle
Attached to the new wing is the Cube restaurant where some decent, modern food is being served. The shelves behind the bar are entirely decorated with Pommery champagne, and I have yet to figure out why a French champagne and not a German Sekt?